May 22, 2024
Instructor: Hossein Naghavi (
Class schedule: Mon/Wed 4:30-6:20 PM
Introduction and Objectives:
Antennas are the eyes and ears of any wireless system, which are ubiquitous, and their contribution to our daily life is exponentially expanding by emerging new technologies like IoT and VR headsets. These wireless systems cannot properly operate unless they utilize transmitting and receiving antennas to efficiently radiate the electromagnetic waves that carry information. Moreover, antenna arrays give us full control of the shape and direction of radiation patterns. This feature of antenna arrays is the most crucial element in the combat radars that allow simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple adversarial targets. Furthermore, reflector antennas are essential parts of radio telescopes that look deep into space for astronomical studies like black hole imaging. These are just a few examples of the vast applications of antenna systems.
The goal of EE 574 is to provide a hands-on introduction to antenna design, simulation, and measurements. We will start with the basics of antenna theory and conclude by reviewing some of the fascinating practical applications of antenna systems, like the ALMA radio telescope.
Restr 14199 A 4 MW 430-620P ECE 045
Restr 14228 A 4 MW 430-620P ECE 045