June 4, 2024
Instructor: Dr. Yiyue Luo (alyssaluoyiyue@gmail.com)
Time: Tuesdays, 2:30 – 4:20 PM Location: ECE 403
2 credits, SLN: 23764
Ever wished you could harness the power of Iron Man’s suit in your everyday life? Dive into the world of Wearable Intelligence with our research seminar!
In this course, we will explore opportunities and challenges at the intersection of wearable technologies and applied machine learning through interactive discussion-based seminars. Students with little or no background in the field are welcome!
Course topics include:
- Design and Fabrication of wearable sensors and actuators.
- Machine learning for wearable sensing and feedback interfaces.
- Multimodal sensing and feedback modalities, and cross-modal insight generation
- Applications in healthcare, robotic manipulation, human-machine interaction, and AR/VR.