July 17, 2024

The Ellison Institute of Technology (EIT) has launched a scholarship for people wanting to drive technological innovation while receiving fully funded undergraduate or doctoral study at the University of Oxford.

EIT is constructing a 30,000m2 state-of-the-art facility in Oxford dedicated to leveraging science, technology and engineering to solve humanity’s most challenging and enduring problems. Founded by Oracle’s Larry Ellison, the EIT Faculty will be led by Professor Sir John Bell, Dr David Agus and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Each year, around 20 exceptional Ellison Scholars will receive full scholarships at the University of Oxford and a generous stipend to work shoulder-to-shoulder with EIT’s experts on projects that will accelerate innovation for global benefit. The portfolio Scholars will work on will be dynamic and continuously evolving, but a list of indicative projects can be found here

Candidates for the Ellison Scholars programme can come from anywhere in the world and be applying to study any undergraduate course or DPhil (PhD) at the University of Oxford. For the October 2025 intake, applications opened in May and are due to close August 1 2024 for undergraduate candidates while graduate applications will be open in August to September 2024.

To learn more about the programme:

Visit the EIT website

Subscribe to the newsletter

Register for a place for an online information session

This will be an annual programme, so if you might be interested in applying in a future year please do register for our newsletter so we can keep in touch! 

If you have any questions, please email scholars@eit.org