September 13, 2024
The UW Science Explorers are currently recruiting for Fall 2024! We are a student-led organization that does outreach at a local elementary school, Sanislo elementary. Our outreach consists of 1 hour weekly in-person lessons centering around a quarterly STEM-related topic.
We have 3 upcoming information sessions:
- Virtual Zoom session 1-2 pm on Sep 18th (Wed).
- At student activities fair: UW Dawg Daze 10am-2pm on Sep 25th (Wed).
- At the red square on campus.
- In-person in MOLES 115, 12-1 PM on Oct 2nd (Wed)
- Free pizza will be provided!
Hope to see you there! Email if you have any questions! Feel free to check out our website if you are interested!