September 26, 2024
ARCHY 208: Intro to Archaeological Data Science
is hiring a Teaching Assistant for Autumn Quarter 2024!
Instructor: Ben Marwick
Course Information: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am – 10:20 am / GWN 201
Appointment Dates: September 16, 2024 – December 15, 2024
Compensation: Position is 50% FTE; salary is commensurate with academic standing
Deadline to Apply: Thursday, September 26th, 2024
Course Description: Pyramids, Stonehenge, Nazi Death Camps: Pseudo-archaeology makes radical claims about such sites, but what do the data reveal? Tackles false claims about the human past using archaeological data. Hands-on experience of data analysis and visualization using the software program R in computing laboratories. This course teaches R to complete beginners using interesting examples from archaeological science. No prior skills or experience in either data science or archaeology is expected from the students.
TA Responsibilities:
– Attend all lectures and labs, assist students during lab classes
– Prepare lessons and conduct weekly quiz section classes
– Hold regular office hours 1 hr/wk
– Tutor students and provide feedback on student work
– Manage and respond to course-related email
– Grade student work using rubrics and maintain grading records
– Attend instructor/TA meetings 1 hr/wk
TA Experience:
-Required Experience: Students must have taken one or more 400-level class(es) that taught the R programming language for data analysis and visualization.
-Preferred Experience: Familiarity with the R programming language and its data structures, with the RStudio Integrated Development Environment; the Tidyverse suite of R packages; writing using R Markdown or Quarto; recognizing and solving common errors and issues in all of the above
TO APPLY: To apply, complete the application form at and upload the following additional documents:
- Current CV
- Unofficial Transcripts
- TA Evaluations
*To access the form, log in using your address (