October 6, 2020
The Society of Women Engineers just started a new branch of outreach this year focusing on local two-year colleges. We are looking for driven students to join our committees to put on events and programs to support local two-year college students. We’re recruiting committee members and transfer students to mentor current two-year students (descriptions and application at sweuw.org/get-involved ). You can get involved if you’re a national SWE member, and no worries if you’re not, it’s super easy to join. Just go to sweuw.org/how-to-join and you’ll be walked through our sign up. Being a member of SWE gives students access to a network of strong engineers, career building events, mentorship opportunities, and so much more.
Benefits of Membership. Networking – SWE is one of the largest RSOs on campus and has strong connections to the professional field. Professional Development – You will have opportunities to participate in helpful workshops and attend events like Evening with Industry! Mentorship – We have programs for peer mentorship, industry mentorship, and opportunities for mentorship in community outreach!
Opportunity Description Apply/Register Here; Community Outreach Committee Positions: The Community Outreach team for SWE is opening up its committee applications for the upcoming school year.