October 8, 2021

Monday, October 18, 4 – 6 pm (Door opens at 3:30 pm) 

ASUW Shell House (Campus Map | Google Map

Registration is required by Thursday, October 14 at 11:59 pm: https://forms.gle/VE7k8BAmgjKhJka3A 

For questions, please contact CIRCLE at uwcircle@uw.edu New and continuing international graduate students, welcome and welcome back to the University of Washington! The Fall 2021 International Graduate Student Mixer is an in-person event that provides you with an opportunity to: 

Learn about key UW resources and meet staff members from campus units that serve international graduate students:  

  1. Center for International Relations and Cultural Leadership Exchange (CIRCLE), 
  2. Graduate School, 
  3. International Student Services (ISS), 
  4. Career and Internship Center, 
  5. Counseling Center, 
  6. Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS), 
  7. UW Libraries, 
  8. UW Recreation. 
  • Network with fellow international graduate students from across the campus. 
  • Enjoy dinner and win prizes through participating in games.  

Important note about COVID: To stay in compliance with university policy, all attendees will be expected to wear masks at all times (except for when eating), and will be required to show proof of vaccination or negative COVID test results. 

This event is co-sponsored by the Center for International Relations and Cultural Leadership Exchange (CIRCLE) and Core Programs—Office of Graduate Student Affairs in the UW Graduate School.