April 22, 2022

With the school year coming to a close, UW IEEE-HKN is excited to unveil some awesome ECE gear for sale. Below is a link where you can order whatever look best fits your style! You can also review the attachments to this email for the gear designs (front and back).
This year’s design was created by one of our own ECE students, Jenny Yeonjin Cho. Special thanks to Jenny for this beautiful design!
We need to hit a minimum sales quota for the order to print so be sure to share with your friends! You can place orders until Wednesday, April 27th, after which they will be processed and shipped to whatever address works best for you (production + shipping takes about 6-7 weeks after April 27). Order now to rep our department and all your hard work in ECE!
Please contact UW IEEE-HKN at hknieee@uw.edu with any questions.