September 19, 2022
The Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award allows us to honor those members of the faculty who exemplify excellence in graduate education. A single award, accompanied by $5,000 in discretionary funds that may be used to support the awardee’s scholarly activities, is given and presented at the annual Awards of Excellence Ceremony in conjunction with other University-wide awards.
Eligibility is limited to active members of the graduate faculty who are involved in the supervision of graduate students.
Please use this form [] to submit a nomination. More details on the award and required nomination materials can be found at Landolt Nomination Guidelines | UW Graduate School. The department is limited to one nomination.
October 31 – Deadline to submit nominations to ECE
November 7 – Fellowship Committee and Chair decide on nominee
November 9 – Fellowship Chair reaches out to nominated faculty member and student to work on gathering all required materials
December 6 – Deadline for faculty and students to submit required materials to Stephanie Swanson at
December 13 – Deadline sot submit nomination to the Graduate School