October 26, 2022

These videos [youtube.com] show the agricultural robots that we make. We do all the ME, EE, CS, and manufacturing ourselves in Seattle. Interestingly, we do this all using only a Raspberry Pi as our computing platform. Here’s an article [raspberrypi.com] that was recently published on us by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

We are looking to hire an unusually sharp and motivated EE full-time to work on our power electronics, circuit/PCB design, and more.

Can recommend / refer / post, as appropriate.

Kind Regards,


Dan Abramson, co-Founder & COO
dCentralized Systems, Inc. dba Directed Machines
6795 E. Marginal Way S., Seattle, WA 98108
tel: 360.77.ROBOT Ext. 101 | cel: 425.270.9958
maildan@directedmachines.com | webdirectedmachines.com [directedmachines.com]