November 1, 2022

Each fall, Seattle AWIS invites the community to nominate outstanding women who should be recognized for their achievements in advancing science or technology, contributing to STEM education or being outstanding mentors and leaders. After announcing the winners, award winners are celebrated at the annual AWIS Banquet, which happens each summer.

Among your many contacts, you undoubtedly know women who deserve recognition for their innovation, leadership, and education efforts in STEM. We invite you to nominate an outstanding woman for the


– Science or Technology Advancement and Leadership

– Early Career Achievement in STEM

– Excellence in STEM Education/Outreach

The nomination form is available here []

Nominations accepted Nov. 1, 2022 through Jan. 6, 2023

Awardees will be selected in January and honored at the June 14, 2023 AWIS banquet.

  • Submit the nomination form and a resume, CV, or LinkedIn profile by Jan. 6, 2023
  • AWIS membership is not required for the nominee or nominator
  • Self-nominations are welcomed

We look forward to receiving your nomination!

For more information, contact