April 6, 2023
The GPSS Election Guide for 2023-2024 is attached. The election will be held during our Wednesday, May 3, 2023, Senate meeting. For inquiries related to these elections, please email gpsselect@uw.edu.
The GPSS officers set the organization’s goals, implement Senate directives, communicate goals and actions to the University and students, and report on progress toward achieving these directives. To that end, the GPSS Officers hold regular meetings of the Senate, a forum for graduate and professional students to voice their concerns and give direction to the GPSS.
To ensure that all officers have the capacity to complete these responsibilities, each position is compensated for working 19.5 hours a week for the entire year, starting in June. Officers earn a wage equivalent to the salary of a TA or RA, receive graduate appointment health insurance, and their tuition is paid by the GPSS.
Candidates are required to attend at least three (3) GPSS meetings (inclusive of Senate and Committee meetings) during the 2022-2023 academic year prior to the Elections Meeting. If a candidate is unable to attend three (3) meetings prior to the Elections Meeting, please contact the Elections Committee to discuss the option of an exception (gpsselect@uw.edu). For information about specific positions or meetings, please consult the Election Guide and current officers:
- President: A.J. Balatico; gpsspres@uw.edu
- Vice President of Internal Affairs: Davon Thomas; gpssvpin@uw.edu
- Vice President of External Affairs: Joel Anderson; gpssvpex@uw.edu
- Vice President of Finance: Van Mai; gpssvpfb@uw.edu
- Vice President of Equity & Inclusion: Marty Varela; gpssvpei@uw.edu
- Vice President of Administration: Jack Flesher; gpssvpadmin@uw.edu
Filing for Candidacy
Please see page 14 of the Election Guide for details on how to file for candidacy. Notably, in addition to statements and forms enclosed, candidates should prepare and submit:
- Statement of objectives (1-2 pages, 11pt font, double spaced)
- Optional: Resume (1-2 pages)
Election materials received before Thursday, April 27, 2023 will be shared to our Senate the following day.