April 17, 2023

Rohde & Schwarz is hosting an Oscilloscope Showcase on April 27th, and we are looking for avid oscilloscope users at the University of Washington to invite!

I am hoping you can pass on this information to your Electrical & Computer Engineering Students, and any additional folks you think might be interested:

As part of this event, we’ll be demonstrating the capabilities of the full range of our Oscilloscopes. There will be presentations at 11am and 1:30pm, and Rohde & Schwarz and partner representatives will be available to answer any questions you may have, so feel free to drop in whenever you are available. The event will be in-person at our office in Bellevue (2018 156th Ave NE, Building F, Suite 100) and snacks will be provided.

Also at this showcase we will properly introduce our newest scope, the MXO4. Most people don’t think of R&S as a scope company. If you are unaware of this new scope, you need to be. This is a revolutionary entry-level scope with a mid to high-range banner performance but priced at an entry-level scope.

Here is a flyer for the event, and in the meantime, check out these two landing pages to gain insight into the newest scope.

Link to MXO landing page

Bald Engineer’s Hands-on Review This is a pretty cool video

If you or any of your colleagues are interested in attending, please let us know, and please reach out if you have any questions. You can also reach me via phone at 303-408-7589.

I hope to see you there!


Sales Engineer | GDP 2022

Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc.

Mobile: +1 (303) 408 7589 | Connect on LinkedIn

Internet: https://www.rohde-schwarz.com