June 17, 2024

Registration is now open for the 2024 Teaching@UW: Strategies for TAs resources! We encourage you to forward the text below our signature line to your graduate students. TAs can register for:
  • The Canvas site alone, or
  • Both the Live session on September 18 and the Canvas site
Please note that the Live session has limited capacity. Encourage your students to register early. Students will need a UW NetID to participate in the Live session and the Canvas site. The department is responsible for ensuring that students have a UW NetID or for creating a Provisioned NetID for students who do not yet have their individual UW NetIDs.
Students who won’t begin their assistantship until Winter or Spring quarters may benefit from engaging with the program at a later date. Please feel free to encourage Winter and Spring TAs to register for the Canvas site at any point before June 1, 2025.
  • Opening August 1 – Teaching@UW: Strategies for TAs Canvas site
    • Available to TAs throughout the academic year, this site includes interactive modules on inclusive teaching, active learning, accessibility, preparing for challenging moments, and other foundational teaching topics.
  • September 18, 9:00-10:30 AM – Live event: Welcome to Teaching@UW 
    • This 90-minute synchronous Zoom session features a panel of experienced TAs, faculty members, and CTL colleagues sharing teaching strategies and answering common questions from TAs. 
  • We communicate with departments through the Graduate School’s GPA/GPC list. This webpage provides information on how to add or change listserv membership.
  • If desired, CTL can share your students’ analytics from the Canvas site: 1) Five business days before the quarter starts, and/or 2) on the first day of each quarter. 
    • If you would like these analytics, please email teaching@uw.edu with the subject line “Share Canvas analytics” and include your UW NetID, department, and role at UW.
  • Please send any questions about the program to teaching@uw.edu.