Study Abroad
November 16, 2023
UW: University of Ljubljana Scholars Exchange – apply by 12/18
The UW – University of Ljubljana Scholars Exchange Committee is now accepting applications to visit the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) during the 2024 calendar year! Since 1984, the UW – University of Ljubljana Scholars Exchange has supported productive collaborations involving faculty from nearly all disciplines, including departments in the College Arts and Sciences, Built Environments, Business, Engineering, Environmental Sciences,…
October 18, 2023
GreenLab: New international research fellowship open for applicants! – apply by 11/30
In collaboration with VILLUM FONDEN # VELUX FONDEN, DTU – Technical University of Denmark and Aarhus Universitet, we are pleased to announce up to five joint theme-based fellowships from January 2024 to December 2025. It is now possible to apply for the GreenLab/Villum Foundation fellowship programme for applicants ready to do mission-driven research and solve some of society’s most…
September 6, 2023
Undergrad: Gilman-McCain Scholarship Info Sessions – 9/14, 4:00 p.m. & 9/26, 3:00 p.m.
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program October 2023 application cycle is open! This program enables U.S. undergraduate students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. The Gilman Scholarship program offers 2 types of scholarships: The Gilman Program offers scholarships of up to $5,000 to…
April 4, 2023
GCIL: India 2024 recruiting UG and Grad students
Grand Challenges Impact Lab (GCIL) is recruiting students for Study Abroad in India in Winter 2024. Please apply! GCIL-India offers hands-on, project-based learning about Grand Challenges and social innovation. Applications are due mid-May (soon!). Scholarships are available; for many people, the cost of going to India may be less than the cost of staying in Seattle. Attend an…
February 7, 2023
NCHU: 2023 College of Engineering Summer Camp – apply by 4/3
National Chung Hsing University, an exchange partner, has invited us to nominate one student to participate in their 2023 College of Engineering Summer Camp, a 2-week experience including directed research in one of the below NCHU research groups: Department of Civil Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department…
February 2, 2023
Travel the world with the Graduate Bonderman Fellowship – apply by 3/29
Where would you go if you had five to eight months to travel solo? Which two regions and four to eight countries would you visit? What experiences would you seek out? How would you be transformed? Each year a handful of lucky UW students get to make those decisions as they embark on the adventure…
SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES ** Get prepared for summer opportunities by polishing your resume and attending internship fairs. Learn more about what the UW Career and Internship Center offers! Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP): Fully-funded six-week summer enrichment program for first or second year students from underrepresented backgrounds (racially/ethnically, economically or educationally) who are interested in careers in the…
November 2, 2022
Apply now to become a paid international researcher on an exciting new U.S.-NSF-funded project with Dr. Masoud Davari and Dr. Masoud Karimi in the Center of Reliable Power Electronics (CORPE) directed by Prof. Frede Blaabjerg in the AAU Energy Department at Aalborg University (AAU) in Aalborg, Denmark. For information on eligibility, stipends, and the application form—go to…
January 25, 2022
Undergrad: Engineering Switzerland – apply by 3/1
Engineering Switzerland early fall start study abroad program is extending its deadline to March 1st. We know many students had applications in progress and wanted to give additional time to complete. Additionally if you know any students who many be interested in the program but missed the initial deadline, encourage them to apply! To apply, please visit:…
August 24, 2021
Study Abroad: The Gilman Scholarship is accepting applications – apply by 10/5
The Gilman Scholarship for undergraduate study abroad is now open. Receive up to $5,000. Students studying critical-need languages can receive up to an additional $3,000. Students must be receiving a federal Pell grant as part of their financial aid award and be a U.S. citizen either at the time of application or by the time you…
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