April 27, 2022
Summer 2022: NEW COURSE – EE 299: Making Breaking & Hacking Stuff
Summer 2022: EE 399: Intro to C Programming
Summer 2022 Course: EE 399 – Introduction to C Programming (3 credits) (SLN 11192) Interested in learning about C programming? Then EE 399 – Introduction to C Programming could be for you! This is a special topics class being taught this summer quarter (MWF 1:10 to 2:20). See below for more details. PREREQUISITE: CSE 143…
Geography & Data Science Talk this Friday, April 29th hosted by EverybodyHacks
Join us this Friday, April 29th for our fourth and final panel of this year’s Interdisciplinary Panel Series! About EverybodyHacks… EverybodyHacks is UW’s newest interdisciplinary hackathon, organized and hosted by GeoDat, the Society for Geography & Data Science at UW. Our hackathon was created for students of all majors. We welcome projects ranging from app…
PIT-UN: Free Student Tickets for Code for America Summit – 5/17 to 5/28
The Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) and Coding It Forward (CIF) are happy to announce that, with the help of our funders, we are giving away free tickets for the Code for America Summit on May 17-28, 2022 for students attending a PIT-UN institution who are interested in public interest technology. Please share the interest form with your students as soon as possible!…
ECE PhD Student Quality of Life Committee
Like many of you I think there are ways the department could be a better place for us – socially, academically, building-wise, etc. To this end, I want to form a “ECE Ph.D. Student Quality of Life” committee. The idea is that this will be a small group of Ph.D. students who meet weekly to…
Bioscience Careers Seminar: Jenny Cronin, Ph.D. – 4/28, 12:00 p.m.
Jenny Cronin, Ph.D. – Principal, AI2 Incubator, Seattle, WA Thursday, April 28, 2022, 12-1 PM Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/3rKwsu1 Jenny Cronin is a Principal at the AI2 Incubator where she focuses on startups at the intersection of A.I. and life sciences and healthcare. Jenny received her PhD in Bioengineering from UW with research on brain-computer interfaces for touch…
Join the ECE Student Discord!
Did you know? We have a student-run department Discord! Join using this link! https://depts.washington.edu/ecesac/discord. The server is set to only allow you to join if you are in the ECE department and will log your NETID with your Discord user for safety. If you’re concerned about this, we recommend that you use a separate academic Discord…
Persado: Looking to hire
Persado located in New York City is hiring up to 250 full-time positions in 2022, most of which are fully remote opportunities for people passionate about the technology industry. For more information please see https://www.persado.com/company/careers/ Persado is a marketing language cloud that delivers AI generated language that resonates with any audience. We are seeking candidates…
ANITAB.ORG: Advancing Women’s Economic Security Through Pay Equity – 4/28, 12 p.m.
Join us on Thursday, April 28, at 12 p.m. PDT/3 p.m. EDT, for a MUST-NOT-MISS Elevating Conversation on “Advancing Women’s Economic Security Through Pay Equity.” Closing the gender pay gap is critical to creating a fair and equitable economy for women in the workforce. In 2021, full-time working women earned on average just 83.1 percent of what men earned. Studies show…
ECE: Requesting DEI initiative proposals
ECE has a funding opportunity for DEI initiatives: https://www.ece.uw.edu/about/dei/initiative-proposals/ Key points in plain text: – anyone in the ECE community can submit a proposal (students, staff, faculty) – the ECE Chair has allocated $25k total for these initiatives – proposals are categorized as small (< $1k), medium ($1–5k), or large (> $5k) – proposals are…
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